
Thermo TSQ Vantage GC-MS/MS (GC-triple quadrupole MS)

Purchased 2010 with funds from NSF (IOS-0923960)

Thermo QExactive (UHPLC-hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap MS & MS/MS)

Purchased 2012 with funds from NSF (IOS-1238812)

Thermo TSQ Quantum Access LC-MS/MS (LC-triple quadrupole MS)

Purchased 2008 with funds from NSF (MCB-0725149)

Waters GCT MS (GC-TOF MS), and Gerstel dual rail autosampler/derivatization robot

Purchased 2008 with Hegeman lab start-up funds

Agilent 5973 EI/CI GC MS (GC-quadrupole MS)

Purchased in 2005 with funds from the Gordon and Margaret Bailey Endowment for Environmental Horticulture

Waters Acquity UPLC-MS (UHPLC-quadrupole MS)

Purchased 2008 with Hegeman lab start-up funds